Both pieces were woven with 2/20 mercerised cotton from DEA yarns.

There are some mistakes in the piece - some warp floats that is not suppose to be there and I didn't catch the mistakes until too late. Too late as in I didn't want to un-weave.
This will also be the first time I will cut into a hand woven piece of cloth, I wanted to make sure that I have enough in case I make a mistake in the cutting! (and it has happened before) A sort of insurance policy.....
It is an 8-shaft twill. The warp is 2 strands per end of the black and the weft is one of black and one of the taupe/bronze colour per pick.

This will be the effect of the sewn piece with the combination of the two. The final project is still in the contemplation stage. I am actually quite scared of cutting into the cloth. The worst that can happen: need some more fabric and I do have enough yarn left to weave some more.......
This year has been one of learning new things - using a floor loom, a boat shuttle, a temple, weaving something more than 12 inches wide and using mercerised cotton. So I guess, what's one more thing?