Saturday, March 16, 2013

White and plain

It has been hard to focus this year but craft camp at the end of February restored some faith and inspiration. It has taken nearly another month for me to get my act together and finally got a warp on the loom. It makes me feel restless when my looms are empty, without warps. It makes me feel like I am neglecting them. Do they have feelings? I don't know for sure. I think they feed off my state of mind, as to how they behave when I am weaving.

White cotton, plain weave. A bit of experimentation. Hopefully it will turn out to match what I have in mind, or not.........


neki desu said...

plain weave is a misnomer, nothing plain about it

Kaz said...

Yes, i'm sure looms have feelings. And they do see to like to be dressed.

sampling said...

Neki, I was once told that plain weave is the hardest to do well!
Kaz, I am beginning to think that looms are really living objects!